Hello, I’m using TeamCity and Octopus Deploy. When deploying, OctopusDeploy picks up an old package (always one version behind). If I deploy 2.23 it creates a release named 2.23 but downloads 2.22 from NuGet external repository.
To demonstrate (above is TeamCity artifact, below is Octopus Deploy release):
Thanks for the question, this is a common issue with TeamCity and has to do with how TeamCity publishes packages to its artifact feed. You’ll need to set up a separate, dependent build configuration to make this work.
This documentation has more details:
Towards the bottom you’ll find a section called “Tip: delayed package publishing”
Would you be so kind to explain to me how to go that way, the guide doesn’t explain this integration with TeamCity at all. What would I have to do to go from the external NuGet package server to the inbuilt one? I’m using TeamCity 8.1.1.
We’ll try to update this documentation soon with a video. In essence, you have to use the built-in TeamCity “NuGet Publish” runner to push your package to the Octopus server repository. You can get the push details from Octopus in Configuration -> NuGet. Let me know if you need more details.