As part of my project in Octopus, I am trying to integrate the build in TFS 2015 update 3 so that the deployment could be triggered once the build is checked in the TFS. I have downloaded the extension and added to the TFS. While I was trying to follow the instructions in the link, "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=octopusdeploy.octopus-deploy-build-release-tasks ".
- In the “package application” step, there are fields for source path and output path. I assume that the source path is the path where are the required files of builds are present in the Tat and hFS. Please let me know if this is correct. Also, by OUTPUT path, do you mean a path inside the TFS where the packages application can be stored. Can you please let me know wht and how should these both fields should be filled?
Thank you,
Manoj Kumar
Hi Manoj,
Thanks for getting in touch.
Next to each field is an information icon to help explain.
The Source Path is the folder containing the files and folders to package. This defaults to working directory.
The Output Path is the directory into which the generated package will be written. This also defaults to working directory.
The page you linked to (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=octopusdeploy.octopus-deploy-build-release-tasks) includes a screenshot showing an example source and output path, so you can hopefully use those as a guide.
However, please also note the warning on this page:
“Note: This extension is only compatible with Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2017 Update 1 and above.”
Since you are using TFS2015, we’d recommend reading our documentation here where you can follow the links through to TFS2015, specifically this page (which also includes an example source/output path).
Hope this helps.