Octopus Deploy 3.0 migration data import preview fails due to restrictive SQL Server schema/ORM rules

I am upgrading my Octopus Deploy 2.6 server to Octopus Deploy 3.0. After running the preview tool in Octopus Import Wizard, I see an error that appears to be caused by a SQL Server schema or ORM rules that are too restrictive.

An unexpected error occurred when processing document with source ID 'ServerTasks-438': An attempt was made to store 113 characters in the ServerTask.Description column, which only allows 100 characters.

Here’s the value causing the problem, redacted:

Deploy ****************************************************** release 1.0.14 to *********************************

I won’t post the full preview log here because it contains sensitive information, but I have no idea how to resolve this issue, and how to prevent it from happening again if and when I successfully migrate. As it stands, my Octopus Deploy setup is rendered useless until I can fix this issue.

PS: It seems to me that a 100 character limit on the data stored in this field is far too small. Any combination of length project names, versions, and environment names will easily send the data over the limit.


Thanks for getting in touch. I’m sorry this has been a road block for your upgrade. We increased the length of the ServerTasks.Description column to nvarchar(MAX) in the 3.0.1 release, but missed a restriction in the mapping which is the problem you are running into.

I’ve created an Issue to track this bug fix (https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Issues/issues/1733) which will form part of the 3.0.3 release.

I’ll get back in touch with you directly once 3.0.3 is released.

Hope that helps!

Hi Nathan,

Sorry for the delay getting back to you. Octopus 3.0.3 is released and should solve this problem for you!

Hope that helps!