Octopus.Client.dll unable to connect to octopus server error

I have an issue where Octopus.Client.dll (we are using Tentacle side version) started returning ‘connect to octopus server’ error. I’m using Octopus.Client.dll to get the latest package version.
I ran a test-netconnection test on our octopus url (i.e https:/octopusserver) and it return OK.
Further information Octo.exe pushing package to octopus works on the server .

I suspect the issue is a firewall issue but not sure what rules are missing.

Can you advise how Octopus.Client.dll is connecting to our octopus server

found the issue.

Our company enforcing Tls version

Hey @binh.au,

Welcome back to the forums and I am sorry you ran into a tentacle issue, it looks like you found the culprit though and you are good to go now I hope.

Let me know if you run into any more errors and we will be happy to see if we can fix those up for you,

Kind Regards,

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