I am setting up a deployment of Azure services using TeamCity for source control.
I’ve got the deployment set up to where Team City creates the OctoPak and places it in the proper Octopus directory (it is recognized via the package selection when I set up a step) and completes a successful release.
When trying to connect to the VM…I am not able to connect with Remote Desktop but when I run a publish from Visual Studio (2013) to the same Azure site…I am able to connect (Visual Studio showed the VM stopped when deployed by Octopus).
Is there something I am missing from my Octopus Deployment
Thanks for getting in touch! And sorry about the delay in a response.
To try to get to the bottom of the issue here could you please provide a screenshot of your Windows Azure management and also the deployment log for the failed deployment.
Actually the deployment did not fail…it actually completed and updated the Cloud Service based on the deployment. It just did not make the VM portion of the Cloud Service available.
I am currently writing a Powershell script to stop/start the Cloud Service…in hope it will solve my issue.
I’ve been trying to replicate this issue with a basic demo cloud service being deployed (upgraded) to Azure in Octopus (v2.5.7.348) but I am unable to, the virtual machine is always back up and running once the deployment completes.
Maybe there is some configuration setting that I am missing in my demo app. If you could perhaps provide your configurations (redacted of sensitive values, and making this discussion private) and I can see if I can get my app to behave the same way.
Also, if you could provide what version of Octopus you are using that would be beneficial to us.