Octopus 3.4 HA Install Node Limit

We currently have a Prod environment of 2 Nodes and a DR environment of 2 Nodes. Before the 3.4 update I was able to install and configure the DR environment to use the node names of Prod (as long as they where not active).

Now it will no longer allow me to get pass the MSSQL connection part without displaying the error message of the license not allowing more Nodes. The next screen is where I would set the Node name. Is there an update or another way to do this without getting errors about the license limit since its a DR environment only online when the Prod environment is down?

Even now you can’t change or remove Nodes if the event the Node is down and you can’t access it through the GUI. I’ve found a guide about accessing the MSSQL DB table for each instance to change the nodes.

Hi Fahim,

Thanks for getting in touch! We went though and had a look at different option here and think we have something you can use.
Below is the Create Instance script from the Octopus manager:

“C:\Octopus\Octopus.Server.exe” create-instance --instance “[instance-name]” --config “C:\Octopus`[instance-name]\OctopusServer-[instance-name].config" "C:\Octopus\Octopus.Server.exe" configure --instance "[instance-name]" --home "C:\Octopus\[instance-name]" --storageConnectionString "[storage-connection-string];Initial Catalog=Octopus;Integrated Security=True" --upgradeCheck "True" --upgradeCheckWithStatistics "True" --webAuthenticationMode "UsernamePassword" --webForceSSL "False" --webListenPrefixes "http://OctopusWebAddress:80/" --commsListenPort "10943" --serverNodeName "[Primary-Node-Name]" --masterKey "Same as current" "C:\Octopus\Octopus.Server.exe" service --instance "[instance-name]" --stop "C:\Octopus\Octopus.Server.exe" service --instance "[instance-name]`” --install --reconfigure

We found that if you run this script, change the --serverNodeName to the same name as your current online server node, then remove the --start from the final line it will add the server node identical to your current one yet keep it offline until needed. We also had a look and this is not restricted by license.

It is a good idea to go through the create node process to make sure you has all the correct settings as if you are using Active Directory then this script will use Username/Password.

I have highlighted all that data in the script that you should look at changing. (if applicable)

Let me know how this goes or if you have any further questions. :slight_smile:
