OctoPack is removing leading zeros when auto-creating nuspec file


We are running

As part of our TFS build process we are letting OctoPack auto-create the nuspec file for us (as we have a separate pre-build process for setting the assembly version). When we have a version number with a leading zero in one of the parts (ie the leading zero is being stripped and the auto-created nuspec file is instead having a version number of set. This does not cause any packaging/deploy problems except that we use the version number to link back to TFS changesets (ie this example is for changeset 29070) so it would be nice to have them match.

Any info you have on why this is happening (ie is it nuget instead) or when a fix is planned would be appreciated.


Hi Jon,

Thanks for reaching out. In this case its Nuget the one trimming the leading zeroes. Nuget follows the semantic versioning standard described here http://semver.org/ which states that a version number should not have leading zeroes.

Sorry its not better news.



Hi Dalmiro,

Thanks for getting back to me, I knew there would be a good reason for the behaviour I was seeing.
