Octopac always in publish mode


we use Octopus since the last week and its awesome. We have one Problem in this context with octopack. It generates always the package, even if we just have our VS in Debug mode. How can we set octopack just to execute in publish mode?

Thanks in advance


Hi Nils,

Thanks! There was a bug in an older version of OctoPack, but it was fixed recently. Can you try upgrading to the latest version?


Hi Paul,

thanks for the fast reply. I have the latest version (1.0.108). Do i need to specify, in which mode octopack is used?

Hi Nils,

Thanks for the update. Could you paste the output from the build log? There should be a few lines where OctoPack determines whether you are doing a Release build or not before it packages.


I think it’s in debug mode or do i miss something?

------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: pms_neu, Konfiguration: Debug Any CPU ------
C:\Users\nilsczernig\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\pms_checkout_2012_08_01\trunk\pms_neu\Projekte\Module\mod_projekte_finanzen.ascx.vb(1038) : warning BC42104: Die endwert-Variable wird verwendet, bevor ihr ein Wert zugewiesen wird. Zur Laufzeit kann eine Nullverweisausnahme auftreten.
pms_neu -> C:\Users\nilsczernig\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\pms_checkout_2012_08_01\trunk\pms_neu\bin\pms_neu.dll
This is a Release build of a web application, so an Octopus package will be created
NuGet.exe found: C:\Users\nilsczernig\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\pms_checkout_2012_08_01\trunk\pms_neu…\packages\OctoPack.1.0.108\tools\NuGet.exe
Attempting to build package from ‘pms_neu.nuspec’.
Successfully created package ‘bin\pms_neu.1.2012.81.657.nupkg’.
Copy packages: bin\pms_neu.1.2012.81.657.nupkg to bin
========== Erstellen: 1 erfolgreich, 0 fehlerhaft, 0 aktuell, 0 übersprungen ==========

Thanks Nils, I’ve just pushed a new version of OctoPack (1.0.109) - can you give that a try and let me know if it fixes the issue for you?


Hi Paul,

works great. I really thank you for your great work / product.
