We are trying to setup integration between jenkins (on Linux) and octopus server.
is there any way we can configure octo to use the proxy to communicate with octopus server ?
We are using .Net Core portal version of octo (6.8.2) on Jenkins server
Thanks for getting in touch! The Octo.exe push command has a couple options relating to proxy usage as shown below. This is referencing the Octo.exe push documentation page.
--proxy=VALUE [Optional] The URI of the proxy to use, eg http://example.com:8080.
--proxyUser=VALUE [Optional] The username for the proxy.
--proxyPass=VALUE [Optional] The password for the proxy. If both the username and password are omitted and proxyAddress is specified, the default credentials are used.
Do these options provide you with everything needed in your scenario? Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns moving forward.