Octo.exe import/export commands have been deprecated?

Hi Octopus Support,

I am receiving the below error: “octo.exe import/export commands have been deprecated.”

Yet, the articles for export and import are still active/being updated. I wanted to confirm if these are fully deprecated or if we have to use the migrator tool export/import.

$octoexe = “C:\Program Files (x86)\OctopusTools\Octo.exe”
& $octoexe import --server=$serverURL --apiKey=$octopusApiKey --type=project–filePath=$filePath

Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 6.12.0

Detected automation environment: “NoneOrUnknown”
Space name unspecified, process will run in the default space context
Handshaking with Octopus Server: https://octopusX/api
Handshake successful. Octopus version: 2019.3.5; API version: 3.0.0
Authenticated as: Y, X XY@company.com
The octo.exe import/export commands have been deprecated. See https://g.octopushq.com/DataMigration for alternative options.
Please specify the full path and name of the export file to import using the parameter: --filePath=XYZ
Exit code: -1

Thank you,

We were able to sort out using the Octopus migrator tool, so we’re going to move forward using that. Thank you.

That’s great to hear Alex! I’m glad you were able to move forward.

Thanks for letting us know and please reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.
