I need the same release naming scheme as in this topic Can we create release number as "Nuget package version number - channel Name"
Is there a way to have NuGet package version as “Release Versioning” template?
Thank you
I need the same release naming scheme as in this topic Can we create release number as "Nuget package version number - channel Name"
Is there a way to have NuGet package version as “Release Versioning” template?
Thank you
Hi Alexey,
Thank you for reaching out.
I’m guessing you’re already aware of this, but just in case, a release can pull its version directly from an included NuGet package. This can be set under Project -> Settings -> Release Versioning
Assuming you don’t want the package version alone, unfortunately, you may not be able to achieve what you want, as the version template is defined at the Project level, rather than at the Channel level.
Versioning based on a Template is also configurable under Release Versioning and includes examples of special variables.
You can find more details regarding Release Versioning and Channels at the links below.
I hope this helps, and please let me know if you have followup questions.
Kind Regards,