New Release not allow select right Environment

I created a new project to deploy to QA. The Process set to go the right QA environment. But when create a new Release, it only set to go Prod environment. I searched through settings in Environment, Target, Project, Process and exhausted all I can see, just can’t find a way to allow the Release to select correct QA environment. So would need your help to figure this out. Thanks in advance!

Hi @jhu,

Thanks for reaching out.

The order of environments in which a release will go through is defined by the Lifecycle. You can check which Lifecycle your project is using by clicking into the Process and looking on the right. You can then go to Library->Lifecycles and edit the lifecycle to fit your needs. Please keep in mind, editing this lifecycle will alter any other projects that also use the lifecycle so please be sure that you won’t be hurting another project by making a change. You can see which projects use the lifecycle by clicking into the lifecycle and clicking the Usage tab. If you can’t safely alter the lifecycle the project is currently using, it might be best to create a new one for this project and projects like this that follow the order of deployment that you need.

Please let me know if that helps or if you have any questions or concerns.


That did help! Thank you for all your helps!


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Hey John,

You’re very welcome! Thanks for letting me know.

We’re always here if you run into any other snags. I hope you have a great weekend.
