New Environment Creation

Ive been trying to automate my install.

So far everything is easy except for adding new environments. The octo.exe command line tool requires and API key to create environments and the only way to get a key is through the web console.

The solution I have come up with is to add the entry directly into RavenDB
So far this is what I have and it works,

However when I add it from the web console there seems to be more then on document created
Are their any other documents I should add or update in RavenDB when creating a new environment?

Whoops, wrong link.

Hi Questionmorc,

I’ve replied to your question about creating an API Key to use along Octo.exe, i hope you find it useful:

Now about automatically creating environments:

The following article explains how to programatically create environments using Powershell and the Octopus client.

Let us know if this is what you’re looking for.


Your other post was exactly what I needed.

Thanks for the quick response!