.NET 2.0--Second Project

I have 2 projects (or more) in my solution. One is .NET 2.0, and the other is 4.5. I need to deploy both, but OctoPack isn’t available for 2.0. I can’t upgrade the 2.0 project, but all it outputs is a single .dll file. Is there a way to package up the .dll into a NugGet package, perhaps by referring to it in the other project or in some other way?


Hi Av,

Thanks for getting in touch. You can just package up the .NET 2.0 output into a NuGet package (which is all OctoPack does - it’s just a convenience).

My recommendation would be to use octo.exe pack directly - look here for more information. Otherwise you could use NuGet.exe pack if that makes you feel more comfortable.

Hope that helps!

I’m using TeamCity as a build server, so I can’t simply do it by hand.


Hi Av,

Thanks for getting back to me. TeamCity is perfect and gives you plenty of options.

  1. You can use the NuGet Pack step that is built in to TeamCity - you just hand it a .csproj or .nuspec file and TeamCity will produce the .nupkg for you. http://docs.octopusdeploy.com/display/OD/TeamCity
  2. You can add octo.exe to your TeamCity server and let TeamCity call octo.exe pack for you.

Hope that helps!