Mutiple IPs in NSG single INBOUND rule

I am creating nsg inbound rule through ARM template, i want to Allow Mutiple IPs in a Single rule, its possible in the Azure portal, how can we achieve this thro Template deployment, please find the current json below, its throwing error

“properties”: {
“name”: “AllowedIPs-HTTP”,
“protocol”: “",
“sourcePortRange”: "
“destinationPortRange”: “80”,
“sourceAddressPrefix”: “[parameters(‘HTTPportIPs’)]”,
“destinationAddressPrefix”: “*”,
“access”: “Allow”,
“priority”: 100,
“direction”: “Inbound”

Hi Rajesh,
Thanks for getting in touch! I’m sorry to hear you are seeing problems while allowing Multiple IP Addresses in a single Network Security Group Rule. Microsoft Azure has the ability to view ARM templates of existing resources.

In this case, one option could be to create the Network Security Group from within the Azure Portal, then navigate to the Resource Group where that NSG belogs, select the new Network Security Group which you have just created then choose “Automation Script”. Here Azure will generate the ARM Template required to create the resource group as it exists in Azure.

From my testing, it appears that the “SourceAddressPrefixes” now accepts an array of Addresses, which you could use something like this:

"apiVersion": "2018-08-01",       
"properties": {
	"sourceAddressPrefixes": [

One other thing to note here is that you need to make sure that the API Version you’re using has the options you’re after, in this case I found that using apiVersion 2018-08-01 does the trick.

I hope this helps!

Kind regards,