Modify deploymenttimeout from Azure DevOps Deploy Octopus release

We use Azure Devops and the “Deploy Octopus Release” step to deploy our builds.

Occasionally these builds fail with the messages:

2022-01-17T14:59:07.0160298Z One or more tasks did not complete before the timeout was reached. We waited 00:10:05  for the tasks to complete.
2022-01-17T14:59:07.0161024Z Exit code: -1
2022-01-17T14:59:07.0373227Z ##[error]Error: The process 'D:\AzureDevOps-agent1\_work\_tool\octo\7.4.3576\x64\octo.cmd' failed with exit code 4294967295

After some searching I found the octo.cmd parameter deploymenttimeout, which defaults to 10 minutes. But I don’t see any way to set this parameter from the DevOps octo release step. Is there a way to set this parameter for a specific release step, or is there some way to set the default gloabally?

Hi @M.Hasper,

Thanks for getting in touch!

Within the Advanced Options section of the step configuration, there should be an Additional Arguments option near the bottom where you can add this in.


Cheers, Paul, that fixed it.

I’m using “00:30:00” now to indicate half an hour instead of the default 10 minutes. I think 500 is days, right? Which is equivalent to never time out.

That’s correct. I may have thrown in any random number for that example :slight_smile:

Happy to hear it is working for you now.

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