Missing Variable Set Modified Prompt

Hi All,

We’ve noticed recently that if we go to deploy a previous release in Octopus we are no longer getting the following prompt if the variable sets have changed

Has this functionality been removed or changed?

We are running Octopus Standalone v2022.3 (Build 10863)

Hi @cj.dalley,

Thanks for getting in touch, and welcome! My apologies for the confusion we caused by this warning no longer being present. This was a conscious decision to remove the warning due to conflicts with the Configuration as Code feature that allows you to version control your variables and deployment process.

I’m going to bring this up internally to discuss and try to think of any way to improve this (at least for non-version controlled projects), as there have been a number of users who relied on this prompt. For now at least, the only workaround is to manually check and compare the release snapshots, or create a new release.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns going forward.

Best regards,


Hi Kenny,

Thanks for your reply – that’s unfortunate, but at least we know for now! I will let our team know.


CJ Dalley
Aspeq Limited
P: +64 4 931 9710

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wondering if this problem has been resolved. b/c I got same issue on 2023.2.13151 version



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