I don’t know if this is by design or maybe a bug, but I’ve just spent a few hours trying to troubleshooting an issue with the “lifecycle preview” image / tree when the names of environments match the names of lifecycle phases.
The current behaviour seems to be that if a lifecycle phase contains only one environment, and that environment’s name matches the lifecycle phase name, it doesn’t show a child “environment” node in the phase. For example if you configure the following lifecycle:
* Lifecycle: My Lifecycle
* Phase: DEV
* Environment: DEV
* Phase: UAT
* Environment: UAT
* Phase: LIVE
* Environment: LIVE
The lifecycle preview on the lifecycle editing page looks like this:
and on the “Process” tab of a Project Details page it looks like this:
I spent a long time trying to troubleshoot roles, teams and permissions to check my setup didn’t allow me for some reason to deploy to the DEV, UAT and LIVE environments on the basis that was why the environment nodes weren’t appearing, but in the end I took a wild guess and renamed my phases and the environments suddenly appeared in the lifecycle preview.
For example, I rename the lifecycle phases with a “x” suffix I see this:
And just adding my TEST environment to the DEV phase in the original lifecycle I get this:
This means that you can’t easily distinguish between a phase with no environments in it versus a phase with an environment with the same name. For example, both lifecycles below result in the same lifecycle preview image:
* Lifecycle: My Lifecycle
* Phase: DEV
* Environment: DEV
* Phase: UAT
* Environment: UAT
* Phase: LIVE
* Environment: LIVE
gives this lifecycle preview:
* Lifecycle: My Lifecycle
* Phase: DEV
* Environment: DEV
* Phase: UAT
* Environment: UAT
* Phase: LIVE
* Environment: <none>
as does
* Lifecycle: My Lifecycle
* Phase: DEV
* Environment: DEV
* Phase: UAT
* Environment: <none>
* Phase: LIVE
* Environment: UAT
* Lifecycle: My Lifecycle
* Phase: DEV
* Environment: <none>
* Phase: UAT
* Environment: DEV
* Phase: LIVE
* Environment: UAT
What I’d personally prefer to see for lifecycle phases with a single matching environment is the explicit environment nodes:
(which, incidentally, I got the application to draw by appending a space onto my Phase names so they didn’t match the spaceless environment names )
Anyway, sorry if I’ve rambled on a bit - could you confirm if the current behaviour of “hiding a solitary environment node if its name matches the parent phase” is by design?
N.B. The actual deployment process behaves as expected in terms of progression through the lifecycle phases - the issue above only seems to apply to the visual rendering of the lifecycle preview diagram.