Lambda step

Hi Team,

I want to deploy lambda functions using Octopus. I want to use lamda step function. Proble is “AWS Lambda Function Zip Location”. This parameters expects file on local filesystem.
I want to upload the zip file in Library–>package and use that package to create lambda.

Is that possible.

Hi Nishant,

Thanks for getting in touch.

There are a couple of options that I can think of to try and work around the problem.
In version 2018.2 we added support for the AWS CLI. If you put your Lambda zip file and an AWS CLI script inside a new package then you can use the AWS CLI step to run the script and the Lambda zip file will be unpacked into the same directory as the script. Please see the AWS CLI documentation for running those commands.
Also, in version 2018.4 we added support for pushing packages to S3 buckets, the AWS CLI update-function-code command also supports sourcing the zip file from an S3 bucket.

Let me know if these options help get you moving or not.


Hi Team,

I was able to deploy things. However I am facing an issue now. Things work when I pass aws secrett key and access code however when I run the command on octopus slave which has required roles it throws error:… Things works fine if I run the code directly on the machine

Command that I am trying to run:
$modulePath = “C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS Tools\PowerShell\AWSPowerShell\AWSPowerShell.psd1”
Import-Module $modulePath
Get-LMFunction -FunctionName abc -Region us-east-1


No credentials specified or obtained from persisted/shell

Hi Nishant,

Are you able to provide some information/screenshots of how you have your step setup?

If you look at the AWS CLI documentation page, you can see that there are few different ways to pass the credentials to the execution.
