I am trying to deploy kubernetes manifest files by packing the manifests inside docker image.
I am getting below error
The step failed: Activity failed with error ‘The Docker Registry ‘Docker public’ at https://index.docker.io does not support downloading packages on the Octopus Server.’.
when I deploy using deploy to kubernetes container and read the same image its working , issue is only in raw yaml deployment.
Could you please help.
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It looks like it’s trying to download the package onto the server, which shouldn’t be occurring. I’ll work on reproducing this on my end but I just wanted to confirm if this problem occurs if you use another WorkerPool? We have seen this pop up before however it was due to Referenced Packages having a specific setting that’s not available on that step:
If you’d like to send through the raw task logs, for both the successful and failed deployments, I’ll dig into them and see if I can spot what’s going on. Otherwise if you are using an Octopus Cloud Instance I could create a support user to investigate, with your explicit approval.
Because it’s expecting a package (e.g. zip or nuget) that contains a YAML file which references the Docker image, this error is indicating that the package couldn’t be downloaded/extracted.
This is different to the Deploy Kubernetes Container Step as that step defines the image in Docker as part of it’s configuration, rather than using a YAML file in a package that needs extracting.
To use a file referenced in a package:
Define YAML file → Zip the file → Upload to Feed → Reference Yaml file inside Zip Package: