Kubectl 1.25 failing in the healthcheck with EKS cluster 1.25

I am seeing this issue when i updated the kubectl cli from 1.23 to 1.25 and the EKS cluster is in the 1.25 version, the health check is failing with this message. can someone please assist?

Creating kubectl context to https://3549866A8516E9C952F3D20B305950BD.gr7.us-east-1.eks.amazonaws.com (namespace default) using EKS cluster name sand-eks-us-east-1

September 6th 2023 15:00:08


Invoking target script D:\Octopus\Work\20230906200003-671428-1869\Script.ps1 with parameters

September 6th 2023 15:00:08


kubectl version to test connectivity

September 6th 2023 15:00:08


Flag --short has been deprecated, and will be removed in the future. The --short output will become the default.

September 6th 2023 15:00:08


error: exec plugin: invalid apiVersion "client.authentication.k8s.io/v1alpha1"

September 6th 2023 15:00:08


Process C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\PowerShell.exe in D:\Octopus\Work\20230906200003-671428-1869 exited with code 1

September 6th 2023 15:00:08


Exit code: 1

September 6th 2023 15:00:08


The remote script failed with exit code 1

Hi @venkat.vnextapps,

Thanks for reaching out, great to hear from you again!

It sounds like you are running into this open issue with the aws-iam-authenticator: AWS EKS Targets - IAM Authenticator v0.5.4+ no longer supports v1alpha1 endpoint · Issue #7413 · OctopusDeploy/Issues · GitHub

Does running the health check in our Workertools execution container allow for it to work? That should have the required version of aws-iam-authenticator, otherwise you could install the version directly on the instance via a command like: choco install -y aws-iam-authenticator --version 0.5.3

Hope that helps but feel free to reach out with any questions at all!

Best Regards,

Hi , we tried the above-suggested fix and it did not work, we downgraded the aws-iam-authenticator to 0.5.3 and still got the same error.

Hi @venkat.vnextapps,

Sorry to hear the workaround suggestion didn’t work.

Have you by any chance been able to test if the workertools execution container allows the deployment to be successful?

Additionally, would you mind letting us know which version of Octopus Deploy you’re currently running?

Kind Regards,

I did not try in worker tools execution container , I am using the worker we have installed in windows VM and the octopus deploy version is 2020.4.11

Hi @venkat.vnextapps

Sadly, you will need to upgrade your Octopus Server version to a later version to get the code updates to support the new endpoints, We added code support for those in 2022.3.10711 and above, as referenced in the above-mentioned GitHub issue.

I hope this helps, and if you have any further issues following the upgrade, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

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