IIS Home setup for mutlple websites in same server

Hi All,

please help me tackle below scenario. much appreciate the help.

We have a Website in a server and using Deploy Nuget package step we deploy to the server and update IIS home directory to point to latest package for its site/virtual directory.

however , we have 3 more website with different names on same server but they should point to same code base.
can you please let me know how can i accomplish this ?

Thanks in advance.

screenshot.docx (26 KB)

Hi Rubod,

Thanks for getting in touch! Unfortunately, there is no support built into Octopus for doing this. I think the best option here would be to have a postdeploy.ps1 or a script that points the other sites.
If you would like some links to our documentation on using custom scripts, I have the following:

If you have any further questions here or run into any issues with this, we are more than happy to help.

Best regards,