How to create/deploy release via REST API

I’m in the process of switching a build server from windows to linux and adjusting the octopus steps as such. I’ve created and pushed the package but can’t quite figure out from the documentation how to create and deploy a release. Essentially I’m looking to replicate the following command with curl call(s) to the rest API:
octo create-release --project ProjectName --deployto Dev --server http://server/ --apiKey KEY


Thanks for getting in touch! You can definitely create and deploy releases via the REST API. We have a great public sample script repository, where the following is specifically to create and deploy a release.

You can browse around that section for samples on doing many other things as well. I hope you find it useful!

Let me know how you go or if you have any further questions or concerns going forward. :slight_smile:

Kind regards,


Thanks Kenneth

When I try to create a release, I get these errors:

“No package version was specified for the step ‘deploy client’”,
“No package version was specified for the step ‘deploy server’”

Isn’t it supposed to use the latest versions by default? Does this require another rest call to get the latest package versions, and, if so, can I avoid this by making the process one step instead of two?

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