How does Octopus determine if a package is found in the feed?

Specifically, these screens:

The feed in question is an Artifactory NuGet repo. What does Octopus use to determine if a package is available?

In the first screenshot, that package exists in Artifactory, but clearly Octopus cannot see it – deployments work fine however, so it is able to download the package. Is Octopus using the NuGet index to determine what is available?

I am trying to determine if there is an issue with our Artifactory HA setup (2 nodes behind a load balancer) where the NuGet indexes in each node are not in-sync.

EDIT – I have also recalculated the repo index in Artifactory and that did not resolve this.

Hi @justinm89,

Thanks for reaching out to Octopus support! I’m sorry to see that you are having this issue with your Artifactory repo.

You are correct, Octopus uses the index.json from the feed to determine which packages are available. You may have already seen this, but we do have a doc on troubleshooting NuGet feeds.

If you test your external feed are you able to search for and find that package?

Since your deployments are still working, can you tell me if you are using the The package will be downloaded directly from the feed on the execution target option in your deployment process?

We do also have this open GitHub issue which seems to mirror the behavior you are encountering. This ticket specifically references GitHub NuGet feeds, however it’s possible it applies to your situation as well. If you take a look at your browser’s development tools while searching for a package do you see a 500 (Internal Server Error)?

I look forward to hearing back and please let me know if you have any other questions for us.


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