Is there a way of adding a new node to my Octopus HA cluster without downloading, installing, and configuring Octopus manually?
Adding new nodes to an Octopus HA cluster should be a painless and easy task. Using the Octopus API and Octopus Server command line we can automate this.
For the script to run, we need some information for our script;
- Octopus URL
- Octopus API Key
- Octopus Database Host
- Octopus Database Name
- Octopus Database SQL Username
- Octopus Database SQL Password
- Octopus Master Key
To automate the installation of the node, we need to complete the following steps in our script;
Get the Octopus Server version of our Octopus HA cluster
Download Octopus Server MSI
Install the Octopus Server MSI
Configure the Octopus Node
To get the Octopus Server version, there are two ways;
Use the Octopus API to call the API endpoint and store the version field.
Run a SQL query to query dbo.OctopusServerInstallationHistory table in the Octopus database to get the current Octopus version.
In my example below, I use the Octopus API to get the current version. It would be easy to query the Octopus database because the script requires a username and password for the Octopus Database anyway, but if you are using integrated SQL security and don’t have the username or password, I wanted to show how the version can be retrieved from the API.
- Set the variables for the script
$octopusURL = “OCTOPUS_URL”
$octopusAPIKey = “OCTOPUS_API_KEY”
$octopusSqlDatabaseHost = "DATABASE_HOST
$octopusSqlDatabaseName = “DATABASE_NAME”
$octopusSqlUsername = “DATABASE_USERNAME”
$octopusSqlPassword = “DATABASE_PASSWORD”
$octopusMasterKey = “OCTOPUS_MASTER_KEY”
$header = @{ “X-Octopus-ApiKey” = $octopusAPIKey }
- Call the Octopus API to get the current Octopus version
$version = “Octopus.{0}-x64.msi” -f (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri “$octopusURL/api” -Headers $header).Version
- Download the Octopus Server MSI using the version number from the last step
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri “$version” -OutFile “$version”
- Set the Octopus Programs installation directory
$InstallTarget = "C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Octopus"
- Using msiexec, install the downloaded Octopus Server MSI (Waits until installation is complete)
$msiExitCode = (Start-Process -FilePath “msiexec.exe” -ArgumentList “INSTALLLOCATION=
” /i $version /quiet" -Wait -Passthru).ExitCode
- Use the Octopus command line to configure the Octopus instance.
& “$InstallTarget\Octopus.Server.exe” create-instance --instance “default” --config “C:\Octopus\OctopusServer.config”
& “$InstallTarget\Octopus.Server.exe” database --instance “default” --masterKey $octopusMasterKey --connectionString “Data Source=$octopusSqlDatabaseHost;Initial Catalog=$octopusSqlDatabaseName;Integrated Security=False;User ID=$octopusSqlUsername;Password=$octopusSqlPassword”
& “$InstallTarget\Octopus.Server.exe” configure --instance “default” --webForceSSL “False” --webListenPrefixes “http://localhost:80/” --commsListenPort “10943”
& “$InstallTarget\Octopus.Server.exe” service --instance “default” --stop
& “$InstallTarget\Octopus.Server.exe” service --instance “default” --install --reconfigure --start
Because we used the master key in the database configuration, Octopus didn’t create a new node and added the instance as an additional node to the Octopus HA cluster.
If you are trying to create Octopus UI/API nodes only then you can use the Octopus server command line to drain the node and set the task cap to 0.
& “$InstallTarget\Octopus.Server.exe” octopus.server node --taskCap=“15” --instance=“default”