Health-check on most tentacles fail after server upgrade 3.4.1

We have just downloaded and installed the 3.4.1. 64 bit Server Upgrade. However, since then the vast majority of our tentacles become unavailable. It seems to be able to connect but cannot do anything because of a object reference error. We cannot upgrade the tentacles (current version 3.2.14 with upgrade available). And the health checks fail as well.

Below a bit from our the log for this tentacle. What is the next step?

Opening a new connection
2016-08-25 13:03:32 Info
Connection established
2016-08-25 13:03:32 Info
Performing TLS handshake
2016-08-25 13:03:32 Info
Secure connection established. Server at [::ffff:]:10933 identified by thumbprint: 86BD2D2F4E8DFB948B99246F8A400F78C4491B91, using protocol Tls12
2016-08-25 13:03:32 Info
Identifying as a client
2016-08-25 13:03:32 Info
Sent: IScriptService::StartScript[1] / ab1d9087-f29d-4737-b723-f9327725f686
2016-08-25 13:03:32 Error
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Halibut.Transport.Protocol.MessageExchangeStream.ReadBsonMessageT in Z:\BuildAgent\work\e1bda71fea4b4831\source\Halibut\Transport\Protocol\MessageExchangeStream.cs:line 198
at Halibut.Transport.Protocol.MessageExchangeStream.ReceiveT in Z:\BuildAgent\work\e1bda71fea4b4831\source\Halibut\Transport\Protocol\MessageExchangeStream.cs:line 154
at Halibut.HalibutRuntime.<>c__DisplayClass25_0.b__0(MessageExchangeProtocol protocol) in Z:\BuildAgent\work\e1bda71fea4b4831\source\Halibut\HalibutRuntime.cs:line 115
at Halibut.Transport.SecureClient.ExecuteTransaction(Action`1 protocolHandler) in Z:\BuildAgent\work\e1bda71fea4b4831\source\Halibut\Transport\SecureClient.cs:line 59


Unfortunately we had a build of Octopus 3.2.14 where the Tentacles could not communicate with any other version of Octopus. Before I give you some specific instructions to fix this - could you let me know how many Tentacles you have?

Thanks, and very sorry about this.

Have about 20 tentacles and when I download and run the 3.4.1 tentacle upgrade on the remote machine it resolves the issue. Is this because we skipped version 3.3 and went straight to 3.4?

Our machines are all over the world, some in fairly hard to reach remote places. So the auto-upgrading of the tentacles would still benefit us greatly, though we seem to have a work-around.

Any further help with this issue is appreciated.

another strange thing is that two tentacles did auto-upgrade correctly… not sure if they were running a more recent version of the tentacle, since they were fairly recent additions.

I have attached a special version of Halibut which will allow you to talk to those Tentacles again to upgrade them. Instructions below:

  1. stop the Octopus service
  2. Go to your Octopus install location (by default it’s C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Octopus) and backup the 3 halibut files into a temp directory
  3. Copy the ones from this zip to replace them.
  4. restart the Octopus service

This should get communication back to the Tentacles. Please let me know the results.

Vanessa (85 KB)

Thank you so much Vanessa, that seems to have done the trick perfectly. You made my day again!

Must say that you have a great tool and an impressive support response time!

