Getting a 502 when deleting tenant


I’m currently getting 502 errors when attempting to delete a tenant from the Octopus Deploy UI, API, and CLI. I’m not sure how to check if I have some data being saved in a snapshot that is causing the tenant delete to fail.

v2022.4 (build 8463)

Hi @mario.najar,

Thanks for posting your issue, and I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing that behavior.

I’m not quite sure what’s causing this, but I was wondering if you’d be willing to attempt capturing a HAR file so I can review it on my end to better understand what might be causing this issue? You can use the following link to send this to me securely:

Octopus Support - Secure Upload

It might also be a good idea if you’re able to provide me with the results of your Octopus instance diagnostics report, which you can find under Configuration > Diagnostics > Download System Diagnostics report. You can use the link above to send this to me.

Let me know once you’ve sent those through - I’ll review them and continue troubleshooting with you.

Best regards,


Thanks for reaching out Patrick. I believe I was able to get around this by adding a retention period to my project releases. Once the retention policy kicked in, I noticed my tenant was able to be removed. The tenant I was attempting to remove had been in use for awhile, I’m unable to reproduce with a newer tenant.

I wish there was a way for us to identify which snapshots the tenants have linked variable sets, perhaps it would’ve helped find this issue sooner.

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Hi Mario,

Thanks for getting back to me, and I’m glad to hear you were able to work around this by using retention on your project releases.

We appreciate the feedback regarding identifying which snapshots are associated with linked tenant variable sets, and I agree this isn’t very easy to do currently.

There’s a possibility this could be done with the REST API, working from some of our sample scripts in our GitHub repository, but unfortunately we don’t have an exact example of how to do this.

If you’re willing to, we’d love to have this feature request submitted via our page for consideration in future releases of Octopus. You can submit a feature request in the upper right of that page by clicking the blue Submit idea button.

I hope this is helpful, and let me know if you have further questions.

Best regards,

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