Feature Request: Customize Manual intervention information


I would like to be able to customize the manual intervention messages, and the color, that the Octopus dashboard displays.

We have a few manual intervention steps in our deployments and it would be great to be able to see at a glance where our deployments are at.


Hi Kevin,

Thanks for getting in touch. You can modify the description of the manual intervention as shown on the attached screenshots 1 & 2. Screenshot 3 shows how it looks like on the dashboard. The color of the UI cannot be changed unfortunately.



Hey Dalmiro,

Thanks for your reply. I would like to add the ability to change colour as a feature request.

It would allow us to see exactly where we are in a deployment without the need to hover over the waiting icon.


Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the suggestion!

I’ve added it into Uservoice so that you (and the community) can vote for it.


Great thanks!