External Feeds 404 Not Found and Error

I cant’ search my external feeds that is pointed to Jfrog - Artifactory.
The error shows;

The V2 feed at ‘https://myrepository/nugget-built/rats/sampleproject_octopus/WebApp1/Search()?$filter=IsAbsoluteLatestVersion&searchTerm=’’&targetFramework=’’&includePrerelease=true&$skip=0&$top=10’ returned an unexpected status code ‘404 Not Found’.

But when I navigate to the https://myrepository/nugget-built/rats/sampleproject_octopus/WebApp1 I can see all packages.

od_errorlog.txt (1 KB)


Can you try to specify a package name in the text box ?
Also, what version of Octopus Server are you running, according to https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Issues/issues/2656 we had a few issues with the search that were fixed around v3.8.8, so if you running a version prior to this can you please upgrade and see if it resolves the issue.


Hi I also tried to put the package name and search but I get the same error.
My octopus server is 3.15.3.


I wonder if is a authorisation issue, according to https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/RTF/Configuring+Security#ConfiguringSecurity-HideExistenceofUnauthorizedResources, Artifactory can send a 404 if it doesn’t have enough permissions, can you toggle this setting and see if you get a 403 instead ?


I already toggled the setting you mentioned but the error still exists.


Are you able to start the nuget client as the same account as Octopus is running and point the client to this Artifactory repository and search it ?


All, I seem to be affected by the same problem. Octopus server version 3.14.15926.

I also tried using the Artifactory admin account in the feed settings and getting the same error. Repository can be browsed fine if I remove the search part of the URL.

The V2 feed at ‘https://artifactory-na.honeywell.com/artifactory/allegrettoclouddatastore-6990-stable-nuget-local/Search()?$filter=IsAbsoluteLatestVersion&searchTerm=’’&targetFramework=’’&includePrerelease=true&$skip=0&$top=10’ returned an unexpected status code ‘404 Not Found’.


Hi Robert,

Are you able to start the nuget client as the same account as Octopus is running and point the client to this Artifactory repository and search it ?


Hi John,
I’m testing the feed setup from the Octopus Web UI and the Octopus service is running as LocalSystem on that instance.

When you say “start the nuget client”, I’m not sure how I could test this with the LocalSystem account…

Kind regards,

Hi Robert,

Try https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77528/how-do-you-run-cmd-exe-under-the-local-system-account
