External Feed-Could not find the package(Artifact with credential)

Could not find the package in the external feed, i use JFrog Artifact. i could see the package in the web ui when i logged into artifact. I also tried octopus service restart, still it did not helped.

Created an external feed from Library -> External feeds->Provided Username/Password fields for this and the test failed.

Octopus version:3.11.7


Hi Anand,

What error do you see on screen after the test fails?


Hi Dalmiro,

Below is the snapshot after the test.

Below is the message i got, the same package is accessible by web ui.

" If you don’t see any results and you are using a file-based NuGet
package repository, it might be because your NuGet folder is
unavailable. Check that the Octopus service is running under an account
that has permissions to access the directory."

Note:i have an other repo in the same artifact which allows anonymous access, this package is accessible in octopus.

Hi there,

Could you tell me which version of Artifactory are you using and if you are hosting it yourself or using the Cloud version? I’d like to attempt to reproduce this issue.


When you click on the Search button, what do you see in the Network tab of your browser’s development tools if you filter by URLs containing /api/feeds?

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