Error on octopus deploy server

Hi Team,

From past few days one of the run book task is failing consistently and error is kind of wierd. Please assist

Hi @ajitesh.baloria

Thanks for reaching out to us regarding your issue.

To get a better understanding on why this error is being thrown would you be able to let me know which step the runbook is running?

Would you also be able to send us the Raw Task log for this deployment.

You can upload this to our secure upload site here

Kind Regards,

Hi Dom,

Here is the logs. apart from this there are bit sensitive info in that runbook so sharing the whole logs wont be possible all i can send is send the exception error in between the logs.

Hi @ajitesh.baloria

Thanks for sending that through to me.

Looking through some past support issues regarding this error, I found the following help forum post that goes through a similar issue: here

Most likely the network stream is being interrupted/terminated during the deployment before it gets to the end of the stream. This leaves the other side unable to uncompress the message stream and that error is thrown. As in the linked issue above, the Tentacle service restarting mid-deployment can cause this behavior.

I’m not sure what might be causing this in your case, but if you’re aware of any Antivirus (AV) solutions installed on this target server or any sort of networking configuration that could be causing this interruption, those are probably the best places to start investigating.

Kind Regards,

Hi @ajitesh.baloria,

I’m just stepping in for Dom while he’s offline as a member of our UK support rotation. It sounds like you may be encountering the following GitHub issue. There isn’t too much info on the post I linked, but it suggests upgrading both your Octopus Server and Tentacle to at least the following versions to resolve this issue.

For Octopus Server:

Release stream Release
2022.4 2022.4.8267
2023.1 2023.1.4281
2023.2+ all releases

For Tentacle:
It’s not often that we require upgrades to the Tentacle, but depending on the dot net version installed on your target machine, you will need to upgrade to the following.

  • 6.2.277 for pre-net6
  • 6.3.295 for net6

If you have any questions or concerns here, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Best regards,

issue has been fixed


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