Getting the following error message and tasks are not running:
2020-01-10 14:59:34.9194 6076 13 FATAL An error occured starting the Task Queue. Tasks will not be processed until the server is restarted.
System.Exception: ‘’ is not a valid document Id. It should have the format ‘-’. Example: ‘Projects-101’.
at Octopus.Core.Resources.DocumentIdParser.AssertValidDocumentId(String documentId) in C:\buildAgent\work\abb2fbfce959a439\source\Octopus.Core\Resources\DocumentIdParser.cs:line 31
at Octopus.Core.Model.Events.EventBuilder.AppendReference(String displayText, String documentId) in C:\buildAgent\work\abb2fbfce959a439\source\Octopus.Core\Model\Events\EventBuilder.cs:line 37
at Octopus.Core.Model.Clustering.OctopusClusterService.FailRunningTasksForMissingNodes() in C:\buildAgent\work\abb2fbfce959a439\source\Octopus.Core\Model\Clustering\OctopusClusterService.cs:line 305
at Octopus.Server.Orchestration.TaskQueue.TaskQueue.PollForMoreWorkOnBackgroundThread(Object state) in C:\buildAgent\work\abb2fbfce959a439\source\Octopus.Server\Orchestration\TaskQueue\TaskQueue.cs:line 93
I’ve restarted the server serveral times. This error always occurs. We’ve recently upgraded from an older version of OD to 2019.9.12. Looking at the task tab we have one task for Check Tentacle healty that says it started 3 years ago and should have finished 1,087 days ago. I’ve tried cancelling manually but it just seems hung. All other tasks seem to be stuck behind this one.