Display View for Tenants


Is there any way to change the display view for the tenants list (and others) so that we can have a detail view or a list view, we are going to have 100s of tenants and the current display will be a bit cumbersome.



Hi Anthony,

Thanks for getting in touch.

Currently there is no way to change the display view of tenants or the projects list.

We made a choice of a grid-view here, and we have the search box focused when you arrive on the screen to encourage quick filtering (rather than scanning/scrolling). This screen is also currently full-width, so a list view would be a lot of whitespace. That said, I personally find lists much easier to scan and find things quickly if I don’t know what to search for, so I’ll make a note of this on our usability team to investigate and kickoff some discussion internally.

To help us manage priorities, you could consider adding this as a uservoice suggestion. If your suggestion gets enough community support/votes, that will help us increase the priority of this.


Hi Mark,

Thanks for the reply. Shame that it can’t be done.
For a list I was thinking more like the windows list, where there are multiple columns. Details list would also be good.
I know there is a find facility, but it would be nice to see the tenants and the status of the last jobs sent to them. Which would be good on a detail list.

We may be very different to most Octopus users in that we will have 100’s of tenants.

Thanks again,

I look forward to some updates in the future!
