I have a TeamCity project building a solution using the MSBuild runner and the Octopack plugin (and the Octopack package installed in the appropriate csproj file).
I’m rewriting that TC project to eliminate the usage of the separate build runners (MSBuild, NUnit, etc) in favor of a single build step using the Powershell runner to call the “CIBuild” function.
In the original, legacy TC project, Octopack was not directly informing TC to publish the generated nupkg as an artifact. The second project, Octopack IS informing TC to publish the nupkg as an artifact. That is NOT what I want. I want TC artifacts to be solely identified via the settings on the “General Settings” page. Octopack is adding to those settings.
This is the msbuild command used in the Powershell script:
& msbuild $solutionFullPath `
/t:Restore`;Build`;Pack `
/p:Configuration=Release `
/p:Version=$Script:buildVersion `
/p:AssemblyVersion=$Script:buildVersion `
/p:Copyright="$(Get-Date)" `
/p:PackageOutputPath=$packageDirectory `
/p:RunOctoPack=true `