I am trying to add a step in my deployment that uses powershell to open an HTML file. The powershell code works perfectly in the powershell ISE, however it does not work when included in an octopus deployment step. It does not give an error, but the file does not open
Thank you for your response. I am testing this locally, and the octopus server is my local machine. Cant see anything opening or any errors/event viewer entries
Thanks for getting in touch! When Octopus runs your deployment, the PowerShell script is executed under the account running the Octopus/Tentacle Service. I’m running this past the developers to get some more details about how you can achieve this. In the mean time, if the Octopus Service is running as Local System Account, would you be able to try enabling the option to Allow service to interact with desktop?
It may still not work as the Octopus Service does not technically have a UI. Let me know if the above helps and I’ll follow up with the developers to see if there is a way to do this.