Deploy IIS Web Application Nuget Package

Hi, we are new to using Octopus and currently going through the trial stage of deployments.

We have a nuget package uploaded through TeamCity and have configured the deploy to IIS Process on the project.

The deployment runs through and configures the app pool and site as desired however does not seem to deploy the nuget package.

It extracts the nuget package where I can see site.deploy.cmd, site.deploy-readme.txt, site.SetParamerters.xml, site.SourceManifest.xml and but thats all so I’m a bit stumped here as to what needs doing next for Octopus to finish the deployment and have just the site binaries and web.config files in the applications folder.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!


Hi Ste,

Thanks for getting in touch!

During the deployment Octopus should extract the nugget package to the tentacle application folder (default C:\Octopus\Applications), perform any variable substitution and transforms, and then if configured copy the contents to a custom installation directory.

It sounds like these parts are working during your deployment?

If your site binaries and web.config files are located within the file, then it may be necessary to add the Custom Deployment Scripts feature via the step’s Configuration Feature menu and add a Deploy script to extract the contents.
The other option would be to amend how the nuget package is created so that the application files are located in the root of the package and will then be extracted automatically by Octopus.


Hi Paul,

Thanks for your reply!

The problem with the current zip file being present is that the site contents are buried way down the folder structure so creating a script that could be used across multiple projects could prove problematic

I have spoken with one of our dev team who is working on the TeamCity builds and he is going to try and get a nuget package uploaded for us which is just the site contents with none of the additional MS Build elements.

It seems the most logical method as this way it would allow Octopus to do all of the substitutions and transforms in one step instead of creating a separate step to go back and do those.

I will let you know how it goes!


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Hi Paul,

Thanks for your help on that.

We have managed to get a nuget package uploaded now with just the binaries and config file also successfully triggered the transforms in the config settings!

Not bad for a Tuesday!

Thanks again!


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