Deploy Config Map from Built-in Repository

Hello Octopus community,

I have integrated environment with teamcity and octopus works well.
Im trying something like pushed config map (from vcs) as build artifacts zip to octopus built-in repostitory and I can see my package in Octopus repo but Im not sure how to use this package as build steps or in script deploying as kubernetes config map. Could someone help me or redirect me to true way to deploy?


Thanks for your question!

My colleague has written a great article about how you can use Octopus to deploy to Kubernetes, you can find it here, and this article is also excellent.

We have some great end-to-end tutorials here and these two documentation links may help:

It’s worth noting that the DEPLOY RAW KUBERNETES YAML step will allow you to specify a config map from a package, or you could use the RUN A KUBECTL CLI SCRIPT step and run the create configmap command.

If you have any further questions, please let me know!


You guys are awasome this… Thank you so much for your fast response

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