Deleted Project Trigger Reappears

A project trigger was added to all projects via a PowerShell script. We now want to delete the triggers. When we delete the triggers via the UI or PowerShell, they reappear at a later time such as when the Octopus server is rebooted. How can the triggers be permanently deleted?


Hi Thomas,

Thanks for getting in touch. That’s very strange. Is there a reason you are rebooting the server frequently?

Could you send through the server logs, and some screen shots so we have an idea of the type of trigger you configured. Could you also let us know which version of Octopus you’re using?

Is there a chance the script that creates the triggers would be running on a schedule or run by another user/process linked to Octopus, maybe a build server?


Thank you so much for the quick rely. We ended up finding the issue. Some erroneous code, that created project triggers, was added to the PowerShell profile.ps1 file. Therefore, this code was executing every time one of our PowerShell step templates executed.

Thanks for letting us know.

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