Dashboard gets shrink after adding tenant to the Project

Hi Team,

We have configured a project with multiple channels.
Attached some images
In 1_before_adding_tenant image I have nice dashboard which displays all the channels with environments.
After that I have added tenant to the project image 2 shows that dashboard shrink to default project life-cycle along with one tenant.

So, is there any resolution that shows nice dashboard along with channels and environments like image 1. Then I can manage tenant and other channels and project.


Attached images

Hi Shyam,

Thanks for getting in touch! The way we determine which releases are displayed on the dashboard differs when using multi-tenancy. Currently this is by design.

However, we have an open GitHub issue to address dashboard displays for the upcoming 4.0 release. I’ve added a note with this idea to improve the dashboard display when using both multi-tenancy and channels. You can track that here.

Sorry it’s not better news! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions.

Kind regards,


Hi Kenneth,

Thank you for support. I excited to use this feature in Octopus 4.0 Release.
