I’m currently migrating a 4.1.5 instance to a new server (wwe’re performing an update to the recent version afterwards). I followed the steps provided here (very handy documentation!). It all works fine the only thing missing seems to be the custom project icons we have used.
I wasn’t able to figure out where they are stored and whether they should be migrated too, following the above steps, or if its another step.
Thanks for getting in touch! I’m very sorry you’re hitting this unexpected issue after migrating. Though it’s great to hear the documentation was handy for the most part!
Your project logos are stored in the artifacts folder (which is located in C:\Octopus in standard installations), so I suspect it’s possible the artifacts folder exists in a different location on the new server. You can define the location of the artifacts folder via the Octopus.Server command line tool with the following command: Octopus.Server.exe path --instance="YourInstance" --artifacts C:\OctopusData\Artifacts
Does updating this location fix the project logos in your setup?
I look forward to hearing back and getting to the bottom of this one!
thanks for your quick reply (again ).
Luckily, we have not migrated yet, so all this is just a pre-migration test.
I have copied all folders as per the manual and both instances are installed purely on a E:\ partition. I’ve also printed out the config of the new instance to double check the artifacts path:
This is missing for the original instance which has only this:
However, the original instance has a proper “Artifacts” folder (E:\Octopus\Artifacts) which contains artifacts with recent timestamps (matching when new projects were created) so I assume this is used. And that folder was migrated to the new instance.
Is there any way for me to look into the artifacts files to verify if the jpgs/pngs are included or is this a closed container?
Thanks for following up! I’m sorry about not getting back to you sooner - my reply wasn’t actually sent!
You’re certainly able to look in the artifacts folder to verify the images are included, however the file names will take the form Projects-ID-Date. You can use your browser tools to inspect the element to view the file name.
thanks for following up. After fiddling around a bit and randomly re-copying the folders from the original server the icons suddenly appeared correctly. We’ve just migrated successfully to the latest release, so its all good!
That’s great to hear they’re appearing correctly now! Thanks for letting me know, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions moving forward.