Creating release with a multi-step conditional trigger

I’m trying to implement on a step of my deployment which has multiple children steps, but I am unable to create the release from within TeamCity.

Because the UI for the setting seems to have disappeared in a more recent update (I unfortunately do not know which one), the JSON configuration for the parent step looks as follows:

  "Id": "f2d212cb-fd05-4f88-8efb-0d2087ad6a70",
  "Name": "Phase 2",
  "RequiresPackagesToBeAcquired": false,
  "Properties": {
    "Octopus.Action.TargetRoles": "Product2",
    "Octopus.Action.ConditionVariableExpression": "#{Product2-RunPhase2}"
  "Condition": "Variable",
  "StartTrigger": "StartAfterPrevious",
  "Actions": [

The #{Product2-RunPhase2} is a Checkbox project variable template, defaulted to True, and ultimately controlled via tenant settings.

I have a step during our TeamCity build process to create the Octopus release and begin deploying it to our first environment. This is the output of that step:

[13:53:09]	Step 14/14: Create [ProjectName] release (OctopusDeploy: Create release) (1s)
[13:53:09]	Octopus Deploy (1s)
[13:53:09]	Running command:   octo.exe create-release --server [Address] --apikey SECRET --project [ProjectName] --enableservicemessages --channel Development --deployto Development --tenant *
[13:53:09]	Creating Octopus Deploy release
[13:53:09]	Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 4.2.1+Branch.master.Sha.f03df48788281de4b58d6e76c607bc0beeff1369
[13:53:10]	Build environment is Handshaking with Octopus server: [Address]
[13:53:10]	Handshake successful. Octopus version: 3.7.16; API version: 3.0.0
[13:53:10]	Authenticated as: Build User <null> (a service account)
[13:53:10]	This Octopus Server supports channels
[13:53:10]	Finding project: [ProjectName]
[13:53:10]	Building release plan for channel 'Development'...
[13:53:10]	Finding deployment process...
[13:53:10]	Unable to process response from server: Error converting value "Variable" to type 'Octopus.Client.Model.DeploymentStepCondition'. Path 'Steps[1].Condition', line 74, position 29.. Response content: {
[13:53:10]	  "Id": "deploymentprocess-Projects-161",
[13:53:10]	  "ProjectId": "Projects-161",
[13:53:10]	  "Steps": [
[13:53:10]	    {
[13:53:10]	      "Id": "2969392c-92a8-4076-b50a-eb889dcd9e44",
[13:53:10]	      "Name": "Phase 1",
[13:53:10]	      "RequiresPackagesToBeAcquired": false,
[13:53:10]	      "Properties": {
[13:53:10]	        "Octopus.Action.TargetRoles": "Product1"
[13:53:10]	      },
[13:53:10]	      "Condition": "Success",
[13:53:10]	      "StartTrigger": "StartAfterPrevious",
[13:53:10]	      "Actions": [
[13:53:10]	        {
[13:53:10]	          "Id": "b5bf29bf-e7f2-4cb4-8fb2-05065aa99215",
[13:53:10]	          "Name": "Phase 1",
[13:53:10]	          "ActionType": "Octopus.TentaclePackage",
[13:53:10]	          "IsDisabled": false,
[13:53:10]	          "Environments": [],
[13:53:10]	          "ExcludedEnvironments": [],
[13:53:10]	          "Channels": [],
[13:53:10]	          "TenantTags": [],
[13:53:10]	          "Properties": {
[13:53:10]	            "Octopus.Action.EnabledFeatures": "Octopus.Features.CustomDirectory,Octopus.Features.IISWebSite,Octopus.Features.ConfigurationVariables,Octopus.Features.ConfigurationTransforms",
[13:53:10]	            "Octopus.Action.Package.Automaticall
[13:53:10]	Error from Octopus server (HTTP 200 OK)
[13:53:10]	Exit code: -7
[13:53:10]	Octo.exe exit code: -7
[13:53:10]	Unable to create or deploy release. Please check the build log for details on the error.
[13:53:10]	Step Create RoydanAPI release (OctopusDeploy: Create release) failed

I have not tested this with a non-parent/child step, but in our case we want to prevent a block of steps from being run based on this condition, so the parent step seems to be the best place to put this.

Hi James,
It seems as though the version of the Octopus Deploy TeamCity plugin is an older version and it does not recognise the schema changes that were made to the Octopus Deploy Server to allow for this conditional expression step filter. Could you please download the latest 4.5.1 version of the TeamCity plugin and update your TeamCity server. Let me know if you experience any difficulties or further issues with this.

I didn’t even think to check that. Updating does indeed fix the issue. Thanks!