Create Octopus Step Version 4 - bug capturing Work Items?

Work Items of the builds are not showing in Octopus releases with Version 4 of the “Create Octopus Release” step. Version 2 worked properly showing all work items in a build from PRs listing in the Octopus Release.

Hi @karisuetornow,

Welcome to the Octopus community, thanks for reaching out!

I’ll work on reproducing this and confirm what’s going on with this latest version for Work Items to not be showing properly.

I’ll reach out if I have require any further info or have any questions.

Thanks again for bringing this to our attention!

Best Regards,

Hi @karisuetornow,

Whilst we’re looking into this would you be able to test creating a release manually within the Octopus UI to see whether the work items appear correctly that way?

Also, would you be able to take a look at your project deployment settings and show us how the release notes template is configured?


Work items do not list when a release created manually either.

There is no release template in the deployment settings.

Thank you,

Hi Kari,

Thanks for confirming that!

It’s seems likely the missing ‘Release Notes Template’ is what’s causing the WorkItems to no longer appear.

I would recommend checking the Audit logs to see when and who made this change. You should also be able to see the previous value so that you can restore the Template to what it was originally.

I’d be happy to answer any questions or explore this further if it’s not resolved after restoring the template!

Best Regards,

More information… I read the documentation here Release notes - Octopus Deploy

And I added that to the project deployment setting release notes. A release manually created does not list the work items but does list the first line.

A release created by the TFS build from a commit does not use the release notes template.

We have both the Include Changeset Comments and the Include Work items cheecked.

Hi Kari,

Thanks for the info and confirmation about the Release Notes Template!

It looks like our Legacy method of including the Release Notes with the ‘Create Octopus Release’ isn’t working with this latest version of the extension. I’ll reproduce this on my end to confirm this is the case.

Could you please confirm which version of TFS you are using? (e.g. TFS 2017 Update 2)

Our current recommendation is to utilise the new method, which requires a Release Note Template as well as an additional step in your build process ‘Push Package Build Information’ which will ensure the required info is pushed to Octopus.

I’ll investigate whether this Legacy method is still supported and will keep you posted if I have any updates. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions!

Best Regards,

We are using TFS 2018. Update 3.2

Hi @karisuetornow,

Thanks for confirming your TFS version.

I’ll keep you updated with any findings as I reproduce this issue, feel free to reach out if you have any questions at all!

Best Regards,

Any luck yet with determining the fix for the Release Notes method?

Hi @karisuetornow,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you! It took me longer than expected getting the correct versions working together however I was finally able to confirm that Work Items and Commit messages are coming through as expected on my end for the latest extension version 4*.

I would like to help dive deeper into what’s preventing this from working for you or use this opportunity to start using the new recommended process. Future updates of the extension will be aimed towards this new method of using a Build Items step and so it’s definitely the recommended approach going forward.

If you’d like to keep using the Legacy method, could you please share the build log for the Create Octopus Release step? I’m also curious if it works if you change the extension version e.g. 3.*? Also any info about your process that I can implement on my end, is your code repository Github or TFS based?

Otherwise to start using the recommended method, you will need to configure an additional build step, Push Build Information before you create a Release. You will also need to disable the Legacy method options and add a Release notes template (which you should already have!)

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, I’m interested in getting to the bottom of this soon!

Best Regards,

Hi @karisuetornow,

I’d just like to confirm if your TFS Project’s Build Definition Options has the following setting enabled? When I disabled it, my commit messages and work items weren’t being sent through!

Best Regards,

Yes, it does. The * is a wildcard and takes all branches.

We also have other builds that use a specific branch and they do not work either.

Hi @karisuetornow,

Thanks for confirming that.

Our team are currently working on reproducing and finding a resolution for your issues.

Once we have more information, we’ll respond to the thread here with an update.

If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, feel free to reach out.

Kind Regards,

Is Is there any word on fixing the interface between TFS and Octopus? Our project managers need this infromation.

Hi @karisuetornow,

Apologies for the delay in response. I haven’t been able to reproduce the exact issue you are facing, the legacy method is working as expected for me!

I think the next best steps will be to schedule a video call so we can see your process and issue first hand. We are more than happy to work around a suitable timeframe for you, please let me know which time/timezone works best for you and I’ll get a call scheduled.

Looking forward to getting to the bottom of this one, feel free to let me know if you have any questions!

Best Regards,

Thanks, I see that Tina has put something on my calendar for tomorrow.

Hi @karisuetornow,

I’ve just reached out to our @tina.bamford and she isn’t aware of anything scheduled with you for tomorrow. Is it possible you have received an unrelated invite from another Tina?

I’d be more than happy to get a call arranged, could you please let me know roughly the time that would suit so I can schedule it with the team closest to your timezone?

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions!

Best Regards,