"Create Octopus Release" agent job cannot be loaded automatically


When using “Create Octopus Release” agent job in Azure DevOps, Project Group , Project and To Environment cannot be loaded automatically.

Hi @jianglili2015,

Thanks for reaching out.

When the fields won’t populate it usually indicates a connection issue or an issue with the permissions of the API key.

Can you please confirm both of those and let me know if that resolves it or if we need to dig in a bit more?



but, I think there is no problem with the connection, because in the previous work, the connection seems to be easy to use.


Hi @jianglili2015,

Would you be able to send me a permissions export of the user/service account that owns that API key so I can try to reproduce the issue on my end?

Could I also please get your current version of Octopus and the ADO Octopus Plugin?

To do this, go to Configuration->Test Permissions.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Permissions_export_2021_06_16__16_11_57_UTC.csv (5.2 KB)



I checked the Octopus test site and the production site. The versions are the same, but the “Create Octopus Release” that connects to the test site is easy to use, while the “Create Octopus Release” that connects to the production site can’t load the project group, project, and environment.

Hi @jianglili2015,

I tested on my end with your permissions and it worked fine for me.

By test site and production site, do you mean two separate instances of Octopus? Is it possible the permissions or connection to Octopus aren’t good with the production instance since it works with the test instance?

Can you please try manually typing in all of the fields and running the build pipeline and see what errors are produced?

Please let me know.


Thanks, I will try to enter manually

Thank you, Jeremy.
It’s working now. Manually typing is a effective solution to resolve this issue. Thank you.

Kind regards,

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Hi Lily,

You’re very welcome. Thanks for updating me.

I’m going to speak with some colleagues and see if we can come up with some steps to try and get the drop down working again.

Please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.


Hey Lily,

I had a chat with my team and we had a few things we could check.

Are the permissions of the API key the exact same on the test instance and the prod instance?
Are the two octopus servers on the same version?
Is there anything different in the infrastructure between those two instances?
Is there a virtual directory for your prod instance where there isn’t one for your test instance?
If you were to create a new Create Release step for your prod instance, does the drop down for Default space work, or do you have to type that in manually?

Please let me know when you have time.


Hey Lily,

Would you be willing to conduct an experiment? Before clicking those dropdowns, can you hit F12 and go to the Network tab? It would be good to see what the error for those API calls is. If you can, we would be able to better understand what’s happening under-the-covers.

Please let me know.


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