Hi ,
We are just doing POC on this tool, So my questions may be quite silly but we are really trying to sort this out.
We have a server(XTP) which only TSG(techincal support Group) have admin access and we donot have it. Now i have to just copy a file from one of my server to this server, So it is possible to do that without tentacle installation on that XTP server.
I have read blogs that say we can only deploy or reach a target server using Tentacle installed on that server, so since we do not have access to XTP server we cant install TENTACLE on them, but we are trying if we can do just copy of file.
I know am trying to catch something not correct, but wanna double check.
Thanks for getting in touch! I can think of a couple options that may help.
Firstly, if you have access to a fileshare in that location, you can copy files to that location from a script on the server-side. You can use either a PowerShell script step in your deployment process, or in a postdeploy script. Your postdeploy script can exist in your package, where Calamari will then detect these scripts and invoke them. Additionally, you can define a postdeploy script from within your package step using the Custom deployment scripts feature. You can refer to our documentation here for more info: https://octopus.com/docs/deploying-applications/custom-scripts#Customscripts-ScriptsinPackagesscripts-in-packages
Another option is offline package drops. These are deployment targets which were designed for situations where Tentacle isn’t an option, perhaps because of a firewall. It works by bundling up the files that are needed for the deployment on your target server, and then you execute the batch file to actually execute the deployment. You can refer to some more information on offline package drops in our documentation: https://octopus.com/docs/deployment-targets/offline-package-drop
I hope these options help! Don’t hesitate to reach out anytime if you have any further questions.
Best regards,
Thanks for the quick turn up!
Yes! i have access to the file share on that folder, will try to execute the script method, and will turn up if i have any obstacles.
Thanks Much!
That’s not a problem at all! Don’t hesitate to reach out anytime if you have further questions. 
Best regards,