Comparing Octopus Release Variables


Actually I want to compare variables of two different releases of same octopus project from my local machine.
Is there a way to do that?


Hi Urvashi,

Thanks for getting in touch! Unfortunately, for the time being we don’t have a great solution for comparing two releases of the same project. Currently this would require looking at the network calls that the API is doing, do these API calls and catch this data. After you get this, you could build them up and compare them that way, but that’s not an elegant approach.

Release comparison is in fact currently planned for this year’s roadmap (which will be part of the bigger Remote Release Promotions feature), so you’ll eventually have a great solution here. You can read more about Remote Release Promotions in our RFC if you’re interested!

Sorry it’s not better news for the time being. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions going forward. :slight_smile:

Kind regards,


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