Command Line Backup of 2.6 database fails with 401

I am trying to backup my 2.6 database as part of an upgrade from 1.6 -> current.

However executing the command:

Raven.Smuggler.exe out “http://localhost:10931” “e:\test.octobak”

Results in:

Reading batch of 37 indexes, read so far: 37
Done with reading indexes, total: 37
Exporting Documents
Streaming documents from 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Error: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
Http Status Code: Unauthorized Unauthorized

I can get into raven studio at that URL using the same credentials.

Hi Chris,

Thanks for getting in touch!

Is there any particular reason you are using Raven.Smuggler.exe to take a backup of your Octopus database instead of using the built-in Backup now functionality ( in the Octopus web UI (under Configuration -> Backup)?

Thank you and kind regards,


I am on the development team, and I preparing a set of scripts to help the server team perform the upgrade.

The fewer manual steps involved in the upgrade the better!



Hi Chris,

You can use this script to automate the export of the Octopus database.

Note though that this will only export what is in the database, no activity logs and no configuration.

Hope that helps.

Thank you and kind regards,