Cloning DEPLOY AN AZURE APP SERVICE prefixes container tag with a 'v'

If I Clone a DEPLOY AN AZURE APP SERVICE and it is used to deploy a container from the ACR, it gets to the step acquiring packages and for some reason prefixes a v to the package name (image tag name)

                    |   == Failed: Acquire packages ==
11:54:39   Info     |     Acquiring packages
11:54:39   Info     |     Making a list of packages to acquire
11:54:39   Verbose  |     Leased worker Octopus Linux Worker from pool Docker Worker Pool (lease WorkerTaskLeases-774).
11:54:39   Verbose  |     Leased worker Octopus Linux Worker from pool Docker Worker Pool (lease WorkerTaskLeases-775).
11:54:39   Verbose  |     Package octopusdeploy/worker-tools v3.3.2-ubuntu.18.04 is required by action 'Remove UI Mount Path'
11:54:39   Verbose  |     Package rm-ui vdevelop is required by action 'Deploy UI to Azure'

The workaround is to deleted the cloned step and manually add it.

Hi @JamesH,

Thanks for reporting this. May I ask a few questions, please?

Does the v being prefixed to the container name cause the deployment to fail?
Are you aware of if this happens when pulling the package from another feed type?

I’ll try to reproduce the issue and see if we can log this with our engineers; I wonder if it’s simply a visual aspect of our logging, perhaps expecting a version number in the tag.

Please let me know about the above, and I’ll look into reproducing this issue.

Kind Regards,

It does fail, and it has been happening for a while, so I thought I’d log it.

I’ll test a package rather than a container later on but if memory serves packages are ok, just the container tag is the issue.

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