Channels: apply version rule to all steps?

Currently, we have two branches of code for our projects. We are only using Octopus to deploy one branch right now, but are considering extending it to the other.

It seems like Channels are a good fit for keeping the binaries from crossing the streams - I can use a prerelease tag for the binaries built from the Development branch, and use version rules to keep them separate.

However, it appears that version rules in Channels need to be explicitly associated to steps. This means that if a new step is added, there’s a possibility that incorrect packages will be deployed to it until the Channel configuration is updated.

Is there any way to make a version rule apply to all steps in the project?

I’m testing this out on v2018.1.5.

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for getting in touch! Unfortunately there isn’t any current way to make a version rule apply to all steps, and you’re required to add each relevant step individually. I can see how this could be error-prone when adding new steps, so I think this is a good idea. There’s a fairly popular UserVoice suggestion to enhance this in just this way which I’d recommend giving some votes to!

Sorry it’s not better news for the time being! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions going forward.

Kind regards,


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