Can't configure Jira environments

Hi folks,

I installed the Octopus Jira plug-in into Jira this morning. Then I configured Octopus with the URL and Secret from Jira and configured Jira with the Octopus Installation ID from Octopus. It all looks okay, I can’t see any errors.

When I try to map the environments, there is no option to do that. The environment page only has Name, Description, Default Guided Failure Mode and Dynamic Infrastructure, there’s no option to add a Jira environment. We’re running 2019.4.4 of Octopus.

Any ideas?


Hi Mark,

It sounds like you haven’t enabled the Jira Issue tracker, can you make sure that you’ve enabled it on the Configuration->Settings page.

I hope that helps.

Thank you and best regards,

I’m blind! Thank you! :slight_smile:

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