I am using Octopack 3.6.4 to push a reasonably large Nuget package (40MB) to Octopus 2019.11.0, but it is failing with a 404 Not Found when it attempts to verify the successful upload:
"D:\BuildAgent\work\640776fcc94a4934\packages\OctoPack.3.6.4\build\nuget.exe" push "D:\BuildAgent\work\640776fcc94a4934\WebAPI\obj\octopacked\MyProject.Api.12.7.2-rc0007.nupkg" API_KEY -Source https://octopus.mycompany.com.au
NuGet Version: (Custom build for OctoPack. See http://g.octopushq.com/VersioningInOctopusDeploy
Pushing MyProject.Api.12.7.2-rc0007.nupkg to 'https://octopus.mycompany.com.au'...
PUT https://octopus.mycompany.com.au/api/v2/package/
NotFound https://octopus.mycompany.com.au/api/v2/package/ 9955ms
Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found).
This looks pretty much like the 30MB NuGet package limit referred to in 404 with Octo Push, except we are not hosting behind IIS. What’s the current advice concerning Nuget package size limits?